Make Love with Market 坐爱大盘 2012-6-14

Market today first dipped and had a patterned rebound, so again, we first covered yesterday's remaining shorts and bottom fished for long, and then we strong shorted at the top area of the rebound! I personally doubled margin shorted NQ around 2550! and the afternoon selloff was impressive and we covered most 2520-14! A 50% gain on NQ part! lalala lalala...hooray! :)

Today another noteworthy thing is ZS! It finally started to drop again, in quick harsh big way!! It has already dropped back <1400!!

The view of market next move and our trading plan are described as below---

(The market view for tomorrow as below is for members only!)
If you want to read more about my up-to-date market view, please refer here.